Thursday, October 29, 2009
Did Penis Enlargement Pills Make The People Satisfied ?
The most disturbing of these pills is that no independent clinical trials to prove or disprove their claims. I think many of us in line to take a serious clinical trial to see if a penis pill may add a few inches in most need. For my part I would volunteer in a three to nothing.
Since clinical trials of penis enlargement pills can appear anywhere, only his word to take the pills to help you achieve your goals.
Premature ejaculation is no way to perform as planned. They are a mixture of various herbs known to increase libido and more traffic. The temporary increase in traffic can result in harder erections, fool the user into believing that the real growth occurs.
But then again, if the plaintiff in a lawsuit against a seller who makes outrageous claims of penis? The good news is that not all money spent for nothing! These self appointed top penis pills are supplied with educational leaflets on penis enlargement exercises, functioning in the absence of the pills.
This is an important indication about what to do: find a good traction device and start exercising! This is the first Council in a good guide to penis enlargement pills: read the exercises leaflet very careful. Not really surprising that people following the exercise while winning pills, a placebo would work.
There are formulations of reliable suppliers that claim only to increase libido and contain much the same ingredients, often of better quality and much cheaper! Now you do not work, refer to possible side effects of penis pills.
The plant extracts may cause serious side effects, even all natural. As with almost anything, a small dose is not harmful to a higher dose will have some effects and an overdose will be poisonous.
The penis pills contain a variety of plant extracts, and unfortunately there is little or no research on the effects of the combination of various substances on the human body. Most of these plants are used because it believes that improves blood circulation and increase arousal and libido.
Yet there is no chemical known to mankind - be it natural or lab created that can increase your penis permanently. You can try if you really feel the need to do, but I think there are many better options: finding a good exercises program or buying an expansion device that helps to get more results.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Real Results Or a Real Flop-Penis Enlargement
Pills - If you think you take a pill to enlarge your penis, its crazy! Smilen Bob "was a funny commercial, but they do not work for growth.
Pumps - While sucking blood into the penis like a vacuum and have inflated the results are not permanent and may cause a permanent damage to your penis, as most of the pump. That is enough for me to be held from demons.
Creams - Um .. See the description of the pills!
Devices - These functions, if you have the right to choose. Not cheap if you want to these results. The best penis device is not that you should not work - the machine does everything for you. How all this will take time, but if we stick to what you can expect good profits.
Exercises - As devices they work. You must maintain a regular training "calendar and more to do. Just as working with weights, the penis needs time to rest after training. I recommend exercise 3 times a week to start and no more than 4 days per week.
I have personally used a penis enlargement device, exercises and a pump. I used the bomb when he was 16 and I'm happy my penis is still active. Literally could watch television in my room and have this thing for hours pumping! Then my penis started taking a cowardly way (heavier than a good description), I stopped using it.
My favorite right now is to exercise. I grew more than 2 inches and is not necessary to use the device more. In exercising my penis 3 times a week, and I stay fit. My favorite exercise is the computer Flex, not because you can do anywhere, but because it makes your erection as hard as a rock. You feel you can bust through a brick wall with it!
To exercise the penis to extend, you can visit a website I found that the free exercise explained. There are some videos. Check it out and keep it ... You see the results.
Thank for reading Penis Too Large
Monday, October 26, 2009
Types of Natural Male Enhancement
Over the last century a number of natural male enhancement (or penis enlargement) devices have been established, yet this fascination with penis enlargement is centuries old.
Dating as far back as 2,000 years ago, tribes aspired to increase their penis size through an assortment of methods which were all highly dangerous. From slitting their penis shaft to hanging weights from their members, each of these methods usually ended up with some kind of deformity or health problem.
Fortunately in the last century, there has been an insurgence in natural male enhancement procedures that have been medically proven to increase penis size.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
Easily one of the riskiest procedures found on this list, male enhancement surgery involves cutting the suspensory ligament attached to the pubic bone. By simply cutting this ligament, you can increase your penis size by approximately 20-30mm.
The problem with such a procedure is that without the appropriate postoperative treatment - stretching your penis – you could risk shortening your penis as this ligament heals. Similarly there is a high probability that you won’t be able to sustain an erect penis after the surgery.
With such risks it is easy to see why 70% of men – according to the Penile Suspensory Ligament division for Penile Augmentation - are dissatisfied with this form of natural male enhancement. The risk of deformity is too high.
Whilst many penis enlargement pills do contain certain properties such as yerba mate that are believed to increase virility, there is little proof that natural male enhancement pills can increase penis size.
In fact due to their high concentrations of mould, yeast, E.coli, pesticides and lead, these pills have been found to cause serious harm to your body.
Penis Pumps
Designed with intention of forming a vacuum around your penis, as the pressure within this cylindrical device increases blood is drawn into the penis helping it to grow in size.
The problem with this type of natural male enhancement is that the difference in pressure between the inner blood and pump can cause damage to your blood vessels - which is not worth the risk considering that they provide you with only a temporary solution.
One of the cheapest ways to naturally increase your penis size, jelqing exercises have been used for centuries to encourage natural male enhancement.
Performed for 20-30 minutes at a time, jelqing involves a process similar to ‘milking’. By simply wrapping your thumb and index finger around your penis and repeatedly drawing it away from your body, this massaging increases blood flow to the copora cavernosa helping it to increase in size – in some instances by up to an inch.
Similar to penis pumps, Jelqing provides only a temporary solution to natural male enhancement and needs to be performed repetitively to create results.
Traction Devices
Medically backed by the CE, and made from Medical Type 1 materials, tractions devices – such as those sold by SizeGenetics – can help men to permanently increase their penis size by up to 30%.
Incorporating a traction technique used in orthopaedic surgery, the SizeGenetics device is designed to apply traction to the copora cavernosa causing cells to break away, divide and multiply.
As these cells continue to replicate within your penis chambers, they form a cellular tissue mass that helps your penis to hold more blood and increase in size by 3 inches in length and 1 inch in girth.
Alongside their natural capacity to encourage permanent natural male enhancement, the SizeGenetics device is also clinically proven to:
- Correct penile curvatures by up to 70%
- Increase sexual stamina, endurance and orgasms
- Create rock hard, fully engorged penises
Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general male enhancement and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.
Monday, October 19, 2009
How To Get Large Penis ?
Before you begin Before you go to the penis, you know that most people on this planet mean that they are between 5-7 cm. If something in this range than you're average, even if you feel that you more than you should go to the penis.
There are many penis pill pill on the market that help to fast effective results. Now is not nothing without consulting a doctor at the same time be cautious companies that claim to extend the penis at night, but no products that seem to be working.
Exercises-This is the most natural and inexpensive way to extend the penis. You can choose a natural penis exercises, which are found in different books are used to extend the penis, penis, of course, have the time.
Surgery should be now very fast results, but you should only select this option if you have lower than average penis enlargement and you desperately need. This method should be a little expensive, but certainly effective.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
National average penis size – what is it?
Today I like to share with some internest fact about penis.I got this from one of expert in the field.
Beyond the myth and stereotype that every culture has got a different average penis size, the truth of the matter is that everyone is generally the same. No matter where you are from the national average penis size is up to 6 inches.
A fact that is further proved by studies performed by the Journal of Urology (1996) and Lifestyle Condoms (2004). In these 2 separate studies they came to the same conclusion that on average men are between 5.08 to 5.9 inches.
History behind this penis size obsession
As far back as 2,000 years ago, depictions of large members have been associated with figures of authority. Gods, leaders, people of position… every one of them is displayed as having a large penis. With this kind of background in place it is easy to see why some men strive to increase their penis size through penis enlargement methods. It is only natural.
Then there is the genetics of it all.
Until puberty, men experience limited penis growth. Stuck at 2.4 inches in length, it is only when their bodies begin to transgress into adulthood that their penis once more grows.
Now taking into consideration that there is no set age for puberty – with some beginning as early as 11 and others waiting until 15 years old – during this period no adolescent is the same. They are all at different stages of development which makes those locker rooms moments even more understandable. But as a result has left many men resting with these insecurities into adulthood.
Small penises – do they exist?
Unfortunately micropenises do exist and they occur in 0.6% of men.
Caused by a deficiency in testosterone levels during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, this hormone reduction results in a stunting in penis growth that will continue with them into adulthood.
These cases of micropenis though are rare, and are easily identifiable as individuals with this condition can only experience erection sizes of 2 inches, compared to the average male.
Luckily, advances in science and penis enlargement devices means this condition no longer has to feel like a problem but can be cured.
Traction devices in particular can encourage natural penis enlargement of 2.75 inches through the stimulation of new tissue cells within the penis chambers.
Andrew coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.